internal package Foswiki::Plugins::RenderTableDataPlugin

See PublishedAPI for packages intended to be used by Plugin and Contrib authors, or browse all packages.
See also Developing plugins, Developer's Bible, Technical Overview

Reads in a topic text. Finds the table data in that text. Creates a nested array (tableMatrix) from the text cells. Optionally sorts the array. Renders out the rows and cells.

| |-------- rowStart: start reading here
| | -------- showStart: start displaying from here
| | -------- showEnd: end displaying from here
| |-------- rowEnd: end reading here

rowStart, rowEnd, showStart, showEnd are all 1-based indexed i.e. value 1 refers to the first element in the array

Evaluate an 'if' statement. Currently supported: cell("isempty" then="true" else="false") cell("='value'" then="true" else="false")

If a limit is passed, return a number characters of a cell.

Guess if column is a date, number or plain text. Code copied from TablePlugin ( and modified slightly.

Convert text to number and date if syntactically possible. Code copied from TablePlugin (

Remove HTML from text so it can be sorted. Code copied from TablePlugin (

For Foswiki versions that do not implement Foswiki::Func::decodeFormatTokens.

Topic revision: r1 - 21 Nov 2014, ProjectContributor
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